Construction & Civil

Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance

Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance Broker

Some Public & Products Liability policies provide a cover for pollution related claims but only when the event is sudden and unforeseen and almost all will exclude asbestos related pollution. Pollution liabilities can arise suddenly during operations at a job site or develop over time, the later being the hardest to spot and if unnoticed for a long period, the most expensive too.

Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance protects against both sudden and slow & gradual liabilities and includes indemnity for clean-up costs incurred as a result of third party claims. If purchased, the policy covers you and your subcontractors as you carry out your work on site. The policy is designed to cover:

  • Liability for third party bodily injury, property damage, trespassing, nuisance or obstruction

  • Indemnity for clean-up costs incurred by the insured in relation to such third party claims

Most policies are offered on a claims made or occurrence basis. Speak to one of the Insurance Union team today to discuss this risk in more detail.